
General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) compliance

GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation) aims to strengthen data privacy and data protection for European Union(EU) citizens and must be followed by all companies that have customers from the EU. GDPR will come into effect in May 25th, 2018 and if you have EU customers, you will need to become compliant.

Is Userium GDPR compliant?

Yes. Userium achieved compliance with GDPR

Does it affect me?

Yes, most likely. If you hold or process the data of an any person in the EU, the GDPR will apply to you, whether you’re based in the EU or not.

How Userium prepared for GDPR

Our teams worked hard to ensure we complied with GDPR. This was a massive overhaul of processes and data models to make sure we met our legal obligations, and did the best thing for our customers while still letting us move fast, scale and build great products.

Personal information we hold

There are two type of entities using Userium products:

* For all two parties we do store the IP address for fraud analysis and data security to:

Stored data location

All Userium's data is held on servers hosted in Germany.

Data security and data breaches

We take data protection and security very seriously at Userium. We constantly monitor for security flaws and unauthorized access and we will take action immediately if something suspicious is been detected. In an unlikely case of a data breach, we willl notify all of our customers within 72 hours after the breach was detected.

Some of the preventive measures we take include:

Data subject rights

Userium customers rights regarding to GDPR are considered and enforced, including:

Subject access requests

Userium replies to all access requests (positively or negatively) under 1 week (the legal limit from GDPR is 1 month). We offer this free of charge for our customers (paid and free).


Consent is provided by our users explicitly when proceeding an action or task (eg. when they provide user data). Userium allows its customers to submit user data in an automated way, via a frontend JavaScript API and backend REST API,

GDPR-ready Privacy and Cookie Policy

We updated our privacy policy and cookies policy to be GDPR compliant. We also added cookie consent banner to our website to make sure we store cookies only after consent is given.